Issue №33
E. Avramenko, P. Demydenko Use of reference stations in navigation
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.10-17| PDF
One of the most important instruments on a ship is the Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) receiver, which is designed to determine the ship’s position. But these receivers, working with open source, determine the location of the vessel with an accuracy of (10 … 15) m. In some situations, much greater accuracy is required. For this purpose, there were created stations that operate in differential mode, with their help you can determine the location of the vessel with an accuracy of 2 4 meters.
Transmission of differential corrections from the base station to the consumer can be carried out using radio communication, satellite communication systems (for example, INMARSAT), as well as using digital data transmission technology RDS (Radio Data System) on the frequencies of FM radio stations. Currently, many countries already have a developed network of base (differential) stations, constantly broadcasting corrections to a certain territory. For example, in the USA, differential corrections are transmitted by the Coast Guard through marine radio buoys operating at frequencies (283.5…325.0) kHz.
This research article analyzes the influence of reference stations on the accuracy of determining the location during navigation. By comparing the known coordinates (obtained as a result of precision geodetic surveying) with the coordinates measured by the receiver and the calculated ranges, the basic navigation receiver forms corrections that are transmitted to consumers via communication channels. Combining several differential stations into a single computer system allows you to perform operations on the transportation of oversized cargo in restricted conditions (rivers, canals, ports, etc.), conducting hydrographic work with great accuracy. For water transport, the precise positioning system has many applications: dredging, prevention and analysis of accidents during the navigation in restricted areas, control of mooring of ships. Accurate navigation systems are technologies of the future. Their application is one of the main trends in the development of modern science and industry.
Ключові слова: Global Navigation Satellite System, reference stations, differential mode, GNSS receiver, accuracy.
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I.S Aftanaziv, L.I. Shevchuk, O.I. Strohan, L.R. Strutynska Improving the search for fish accumulations by means of kinematic design
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.18-31| PDF
The article deals with sea and river commercial fisheries. It describes a possible way to increase the efficiency of the movements of fishing vessels when they are looking for accumulations (school) of fish. The improvement of the search movements of ships is based on the use of means and methods of kinematic design, which is part of modern descriptive geometry. In kinematic design, all design components are in independent spatial displacements at different speeds. In this case, the created mathematical dependencies make it possible to determine the coordinates of the spatial displacements of the design object, which here is the wanted accumulation (school) of fish.
The basis of the proposed method for searching fish concentrations is the use of an additional search floating facility, such as a boat or motor boat. The fishing vessel and the auxiliary boat are equipped with search sonar equipment. A fishing vessel in the water area of the search area can drift or move at a slow speed along a given trajectory, and the search boat can accompany it and move around it along a circle of a certain radius, due to the range of the search equipment.
The aim of the study was to create a methodology for increasing the efficiency of the movement of fishing vessels in search of fish concentrations. Among the main objectives of the study was the development of mathematical dependencies for determining the coordinates of the identified fish aggregations and creating a methodology for an approximate estimate of the volume of fish in its identified aggregation.
The advantages of the proposed methodology for improving the search movements of fishing vessels are:
– reduction of fuel consumption for the movement of the vessel in the water area of the investigated fish search area;
– levelling by the kinematic design of the negative impact of false sonar signals reflected from the bottom of the reservoir.
Keywords: marine fishing, fish search, sonar, sketch geometry, kinematic design, search trajectory, mathematical dependence.
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L.L. Vagushchenko, A.J. Kozachenko Coordination of anti-collision actions of ships
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.32-42| PDF
The mechanisms of coordination of anti-collision measures of ships are systematized and analyzed. The main of these mechanisms is COLREG, which regulates the actions of two vessels. It is shown that non-regulated coordination used in addition to COLREG is based on the standardized qualification of ship operators and includes knowledge of good seamanship recommendations. In the analysis of mechanisms of binary coordination, the classification of situations of ships’ approach is clarified, and principles of a choice of actions general for ships of the same and different navigation statuses in free and constrained waters at normal visibility are highlighted. Ways of reception of numerical values of restrictions on parameters of passing targets in different sailing conditions are offered. It is noted that in order to solve the problem of automation of collision prevention processes, radar-AIS technologies should be supplemented with video camera technologies in the visible and infrared range combined with computer vision. The role of communication in vessel actions coordination has been analyzed. Proposals for its improvement given the achievements in the field of scientific and technological progress are elaborated. It is recommended to use AIS alerts of planned evasive trajectory to decrease uncertainty in the collision prevention process. To reduce the volume of these notifications, it is proposed to replace the segments of changes in motion parameters with time-equivalent segments of rectilinear uniform motion sections. It gets rid of transmitting data characterizing the manoeuvrability of a ship and planned modes of course or/and speed change, and practically does not worsen the assessment of the safety of the measures selected to avoid a collision. The received information allows the ship to present the trajectory of the giving way vessel on the screen in graphical form, both in true and relative motion. Using this capability allows the first ship to quickly assess the safety of the second vessel’s planned operations.
Keywords: collision avoidance, coordination mechanisms, anti-collision plans, mapping of evasive trajectories.
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V. Konon, V. Savchuk Infrared thermography in the context of fire safety in container transportation by sea
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.43-53| PDF
The given study focuses on the issue of marine fire safety systems as well as their improvement on container vessels. Modern technologies and a fresh look at the problem may significantly improve the methods and equipment for efficient and early reaction to hazardous situations’ development and/or their full prevention. In connection with the increase in the carrying capacity of container ships, the problem of the safe transportation of containers, and particularly the transportation of IMDG cargo, becomes more relevant. Therefore, in order to combine the advantages of existing fire protection systems with new perspectives in this regard, the concept of thermographic tools application was proposed, particularly for cargo carried under the deck. In the course of the work, the cargo state observations using a thermal camera were demonstrated. The preliminary effectiveness of the concept was evaluated, highlighting the importance of proper equipment calibration for more accurate results. To conduct an experimental assessment within the framework of the task, it was decided to use the simulation modelling methodology with the help of the designated integrated development environment (IDE) and C# programming language capabilities. The developed model gives an opportunity for further research in the field, describing the algorithm for processing the obtained data in order to comply with the framework of the main task. As such an algorithm, the use of a multilayer perceptron is proposed.
Keywords: thermal imager, infrared thermography, fire safety, container transportation, neural networks, simulation modelling.
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N. Konon Prospects for modern maritime education and training practices in terms of distance learning
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.54-66 | PDF
This paper considers the problem of maritime education and training of navigators in the context of modern distance learning conditions. The constant expansion of the world fleet in order to maintain productivity at a high level entails increased requirements for the qualifications and training of seafarers. In particular, for a correct assessment of the situation, the necessary condition is a combination of deep knowledge of the equipment operation and its practical significance, with proper bridge team management. According to statistics from open sources, the predominant cause of accidents sets on operators’ actions or decisions. Thus, the technical skills and behavioural aspects of the navigation team have to be reviewed from an educational perspective. Concurrently, training efficiency can be increased by taking into account the limiting factors of the present day, which decrease the performance of classic methods of education. Curriculum priorities should be based on maritime accident data, and training methods should use modern technical means, expanding the boundaries of existing practices. On the other hand, in order to ensure complex preparation for navigational operations, it is useful to carry out training sessions with all parties involved. In addition, attention should be paid not only to the qualifications of merchant ships crews but also to the appropriate training of pilots and tug captains, since ignorance of the causes of loss of tug controllability and stability by any party may lead to an accident. Existing papers on classical and innovative tools and equipment used in MET (Maritime Education and Training) were analyzed, including the use of VR in the maritime education sector. A complex study of the problem includes a preliminary analysis of accidents, a review of modern methods used in MET, their limitations, and observations of educational practice at the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy”, including a questionnaire. The paper proposes possible prospects for the development and quality improvement of maritime education for navigators from the perspective of modern reality.
Keywords: maritime education and training, maritime resource management, virtual reality, simulators, multi-vessel, distance learning, autonomous ships, human factor.
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D. Korban Six-component polarization separator of an all polarized antenna with electromagnetic wave polarization control on radiation
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.67-78 | PDF
The ship’s radar system, along with the satellite navigation system of GPS or GLONASS type, is a means of ensuring the safety of navigation, as the information received with its help about the navigational situation along the ship’s route is completely independent of external, in relation to the ship, equipment. However, during the reception of radar information on a navigational object, there is an atmospheric environment with hazardous phenomena (heavy rainfall) on the way of propagation of electromagnetic waves carrying this information. This creates along with a navigational object an echo signal on the ship radar indicator, which does not allow improvement of a navigational object echo signal. Therefore, one of the perspective ways of improving useful navigation object echo extraction along with the considered methods is the method of polarization selection which uses the all-polarized antenna emitting electromagnetic waves of four fixed polarizations and receiving the echo signal of any polarization, which carries information about navigation object, by means of six-channel polarization separator. The polarization six-channel separator of the ship radar is the basic waveguide link determining the principle and accuracy of operation of the polarization multichannel complex of the UHF range with instantaneous registration of polarization parameters of Stokes, echo signals of a partially polarized wave of a complex object on the ship’s path. When solving the problem of polarization selection of navigational objects in the area of dangerous atmospheric formations, there were used the coefficients of the energy scattering matrix, the coherence matrix, the degree of polarization and statistical parameters of echo-signals, which are the actual energy polarization parameters of Stokes. The purpose of the six-channel polarization separator is to separate the polarized components of the analyzed wave reflected from the complex object entering the all-polarized antenna of the ship radar polarization complex in a waveguide path. The article analyzes the principle of construction and implementation of a six-channel polarization separator for six channels: with polarizations linear vertical, linear horizontal, linear with the angle of orientation of the electric vector 45° and two circulars.
Keywords: ship radar system, navigation object, electromagnetic wave polarization, all-polarized antenna, six-channel polarization separator, atmospheric formation, polarization device.
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S.A. Mikhailov, I.M. Vikulin, N.S. Mikhailov Electronic thermosensors for unmanned ships
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.79-86 | PDF
The article deals with temperature sensors, the operation of which is based on the use of a change of voltage on a p-n junction of the semiconductor transistor at the set direct current. It sets out the theoretical justification for requirements for the structure of diodes and transistors used as temperature sensors. It is shown that for the improvement of thermometric parameters of sensors it is necessary to use transistors made of high-resistivity silicon with a thin base and small concentration of basic admixture.
The task of creating fully electronic automatic measuring devices for control of the environment and mechanisms temperature is especially relevant for autonomous ships without a crew. The feature of the implementation of such a task is that initial signals of measuring devices must be only electric, electronic, and consistent with the systems of transmission of the coastal centres that manage autonomous ships.
Electronic temperature sensors will become an obligatory part of future autonomous ships without a crew. They will be able not only to replace classic temperature measuring devices but also will allow, in real-time, to operatively inform the operators of coastal ship management centres of the current situation allowing taking necessary decisions about providing safety of navigation.
Keywords: automatic ships, electronics data transmit, electronics thermosensors, safety of navigation, navigation, unmanned ships.
1. Vykulyn Y.M. Эlektronnыi kompas dlia avtonomnыkh sudov bez эkypazha. / Y.M. Vykulyn N.S. Mykhailov, S.A. Mykhailov // Sudnovodinnia: Zb. nauk. prats. / NU «OMA», Vyp. 30. s. 43-51. – Odesa: «VydavInform», 2020. DOI:
2. Burmeister H. C. Autonomous unmanned merchant vessel and its contribution towards the e-Navigation implementation: The MUNIN perspective/ H. C. Burmeister, W. Bruhn, Ø. J. Rødseth, T. Porathe // International Journal of e-Navigation and Maritime Economy. — 2014. — Vol. 1. — pp. 1–13. DOI: 10.1016/j. enavi.
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4. Vikulin I.M. Combined semiconductor injection magnetic field sensors for wireless information networks. / I.M. Vikulin, L.F.Vikulina, V.E.Gorbachev, N.S.Mikhailov // Radioelectronics and Communication Systems, 2020, Vol. 63, № 7, pp. 368-375. – Allerton Press. – N.-Y. – 2020.
5. Park B.; Nah J.; Choi J.; Yoon I. “ Robust Wireless Sensor and Actuator Networks for Networked Control Systems,” Sensors (Basel), Vol. 19, No. 7:1535, p. 1–28, 2019. DOI: 10.3390/s19071535.
6. Chen Z.; Deng F.; Fu Z.; Wu X. “Design of an Ultra-low Power Wireless Temperature Sensor Based on Backscattering Mechanism,” Sensing and Imaging An International Journal, Vol. 19, No. 1, pp. 19–24, 2018. DOI: 10.1007/s11220-018-0207-x.
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9. Li Z.R.; Mi W.B.; Bai H.L. “The contribution of distinct response characteristics of Fe atoms to switching of magnetic anisotropy in Fe4N/MgO heterostructures,” Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 113, No. 13:132401, 2018. DOI: 10.1063/1.5048317.
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V. M. Nazarenko, V.D. Savchuk System of automated control of tanker cargo operations
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.87-95 | PDF
Liquid cargo is transported by the tanker fleet in different climatic zones. Significant changes in ambient temperature are observed in these zones. At elevated temperatures, the volume of liquid cargo will increase. Consequently, there is a risk of spillage of the cargo onto the ship’s deck. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL 73/78) and the International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) regulate the filling of tanks when transporting liquid cargo. It is allowed to use only 98% of the volume of tanks, the remaining 2% is a reserve of tank volume for an unforeseen increase in the volume of the cargo when its temperature rises. The sender of the cargo must provide the tanker captain with complete information about the cargo and its properties. After receiving it, download operations can begin.
The intensity of cargo operations when the tanker is loaded with various types of liquid cargo has led to an increase in the role of the “human factor” in ship power systems. Reducing the number of ship crews, in turn, contributes to the accumulation of fatigue, distraction of ship operators (masters) in the process of carrying out cargo operations on the ship. Watch assistants must constantly monitor the filling level of each tank, taking into account the weight, temperature and volume of the cargo.
Statistics state that a significant proportion of accidents when loading a tanker occur as a result of loss of control over the volume of liquid cargo that is taken into each tank of the vessel. The operator’s lack of accurate information about the filling status of each tank at the current moment in time leads to the risk of its overflow. Such an overflow, in turn, can lead to the spillage of liquid cargo, for example, petroleum products on the ship’s deck and the water surface of the port’s water area.
At present, it is possible to monitor the level of liquid cargo in real-time using various models of liquid cargo level gauges: float, pneumatic, ultrasonic, magnetostrictive, microwave, and others. Creating a system that would allow for constant dynamic control of the volume of liquid cargo in tanks during tanker loading and would take into account all restrictions is a promising direction.
Keywords: liquid cargo, tanker, level gauges, safety margin, loading control.
1. International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT)
2. International Convention for the Safety of Live at Sea (SOLAS 784/78) http://www. /2016/10/SOLASS%20Consolidated%Edition%
3. International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) http: / content/documenrs/c3/a830/t27MSC%20406(96).pdf
4. Savchuk V.D. (2022) Transportation of four types of petroleum products on e tanker «JO PROVEL» / Savchuk V.D., Nazarenko V.M. //Abstracts the 5th International scientific and practical conference “Modern science: innovation and prospects” (February 6-8, 2022) SSPG Publlish, Stockholm, Sweden. 2022.Рp 166-171.URL: http: //
5. Savchuk V.D. (2021) Transportation of chemical cargo by chemical tanker./ Savchuk V. D., Krat D. I. // Abstracts the 9th International scientific and practical conference “European scientific discussions” (July 18-20, 2021) Poteredellaragione Editore, Rome, Italy. 2021. Рp 112-118. URL: http: //
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12. Savchuk V.D.(2014) Determining the mass of bulk cargo immersed in the hold using laser rangefinders / Savchuk V.D., Klymenko Yev.N., Krat I.P. // Journal “Bulletin of the State University of the Sea and River Fleet named after Admiral S.O. Makarov”. – 2014. – No. 6 (28). – St. Petersburg. – P.109-115.
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15. Savchuk V.D., Khomyakov V.Yu. (2017) The method of controlling the placement of bulk cargo in the ship’s hold. Patent of Ukraine for a utility model No. 114118, IPC (2016.01), В63В 25/00 В63G 67/60 (2006.01), Publication 02/24/2017, Bull. No. 4.
A. Pechenyuk Study of seakeeping performance of fishing vessels with the help of CFD methods
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.96-105 | PDF
Seakeeping performance is quite important for certain ship types. Fishing vessels often operate in areas with frequent storms, and sometimes it is necessary to continue fishing despite the worsening sea state. The development of hull forms providing good seakeeping performance of fishing vessels is the problem of current interest in ship design. The conventional approach to seakeeping studies is testing models in ship model basins. However, it is time-consuming and expensive, especially when many hull form variants are studied. For this reason, computer calculations based on the theory of ship motions and strip theory were developed and introduced. Today the more advanced methods of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be applied to the problem. The study of ship motions with the help of Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (RANS) CFD method is considered in this paper. A suggested numerical model implies the generation of waves through initial and boundary conditions, which express fully developed waves with preset parameters. An object of research is the seagoing trawler with an overall length of 44.6 m. Three versions of hull form are used in simulations. All versions have similar transom afterbodies, but different forebodies: one similar to Axe Bow, a bulbous bow and one similar to X-bow. Ship movement with headings 180° and 150° at speed of 3.5 knots was studied to reveal differences in added resistance and ship motions. While added resistance and characteristics of heaving and pitching have shown no clear advantages among the considered shapes of forebodies, the version similar to X-bow has demonstrated a significant decrease in rolling at heading 150°. The results of the study have shown that the suggested numerical setup in combination with the CFD methods described can be used for quite realistic simulations of ship behaviour in rough seas.
Keywords: seakeeping simulations, seakeeping of fishing vessels, CFD for ship design, improved seakeeping performance, simulation of ship motions.
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V.Yu. Revenko Radar characteristics of precipitation affecting the tracking of ship’s radar objects
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.106-110 | PDF
In this paper, we consider the possibility of using the radar characteristics under precipitation conditions in order to reduce the echo signal’s negative impact on the object tracking performed by the ship’s radar. Precipitation particles’ size, state (solid or liquid phase), shape, and the factors that determine their combined action play an important role in echo signal formation. The rain particles’ size in comparison with the wavelength of the ship’s radar may contribute to the creation of a larger or smaller noise echo signal on the ship’s radar display. This signal’s power in the Rayleigh scattering area towards the radar is characterized by the effective scattering area. Raindrops represent a combination of randomly located reflectors. Their scattering properties depend on spatial distribution and movement regularity.
At the same time, the radar characteristics of clouds with precipitation generated by them can be used in ship radars to determine the intensity of the atmospheric process along the ship’s route. The uncertainty in determining the power attenuation of an electromagnetic wave emitted by a ship’s radar antenna and passing through the precipitation zone can be reduced by the simultaneous use of two wavelengths on which a ship’s radars operate.
The presented uncertainty function characterizes a narrow-band polarized scattered signal in regard to radar information about the distance to the sea object and the scatterer’s speed. It characterizes the matched multidimensional coherent filter’s properties. This filter provides optimal echo reception against the background of an uncorrelated precipitation echo signal. The matched filter belongs to the class of optimal linear filters according to the criterion of the maximum signal-to-noise ratio and is the main element for radar detection devices in the ship radar, which is optimal according to the Neyman-Pearson criteria.
Keywords: radar characteristics of precipitation, precipitation intensity, effective scattering area, precipitation particle diameter, dielectric constant, energy attenuation, radio waves, wavelength.
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V. Sikirin, M. Golodov Creating a digital model of the bottom relief
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.111-121| PDF
Scientific research considers the efficiency of digital technologies for processing hydrographic information. The form of presentation of data in a digital model and the type of technical data carrying, on which data are registered, focused on the goal of compact saving of the results of the capture and their transfer to different partners for the selection of their software and technical problems. Such an algorithm in every competitive situation, especially in conditions of a strongly divided bottom line, should have a property to find an appropriate equivalent between the detail of reflection of the relief in this scale, which provides the same status of peaks and falls and is a priority of the minimum depth, which is intended to ensure the safety of navigation.
Information about navigational problems and the camp of depths in these areas can be seen on the appropriate navigational charts. But in the surrounding areas of the sea with a folding relief of the bottom, knowledge of only point-holes is not enough for the safe navigation of ships. A more detailed picture can be taken from the digital model of the bottom topography, in order to give a more accurate description, character and understanding of the bottom navigational problems. The development of a digital model is possible based on the results of hydrographic surveys. In this article, the theoretical and practical aspects of the research and the real picture of the bottom topography of the ship-floating water areas are considered.
The effectiveness of digital technologies for processing hydrographic information is rich in what lies in the set organization of digital data. For the making of the digital relief model, a tree data structure was adopted.
Keywords: digital model, hydrographic survey, hydroacoustic survey, seabed relief, sea navigation map, survey sea lines, software hydrographic survey.
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V. Siriachenko The operability of the bottom cover of ships
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.122-127| PDF
The calculation of any ship’s floor can be performed in two ways: within the elastic deformations or by assuming the plasticity of the structure.
In the first case, the dangerous condition is the moment of occurrence of dangerous stress at one point of the structure, and in the second – the occurrence of plastic hinges in the support cross-sections. It is known that the assessment of the state of the structure by stress at one point does not give a complete picture of the strength reserves of the structure as a whole, the second approach gives a more objective picture of the possibilities of the structure and will allow in the future to assess factors such as etc.
Methods of elastic calculation are well-developed today, there are programs based on the finite element method (FEM). The second approach to the problem is still insufficiently mastered. The paper shows that the features of the topology of the structure, calculated in different ways, differently assess its load-bearing capacity. The approximately uniform design of the elastic region, designed according to the rules of the register or the calculation method, is uneven in the limit state, and this is reflected in the assessment of the condition of the worn vessel. Pre-studies have shown that factors such as the length of the vessel, the length of the hold, the total bending stress have different effects on the load-bearing capacity of the structure. In modern normative documents, the main attention is paid to the study of conditional stresses from operating loads, and limit stresses are normalized only for a limited list of structures. This list should be expanded. Of course, this will require further research into the assignment of allowable stresses.
Keywords: violation of the shape and integrity of the structure, cracks of tired or fragile nature, plastic hinges (sliding or rotary hinges), ultimate load, uniform construction of the elastic region, uneven structure in the ultimate state, bottom overlaps of three dry cargo vessels and length 120, 120 m.
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K. Shumilova, A. Maltsev The management of individual navigational risks of the ship voyage cycle
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.128-142| PDF
A conceptual modernized model of route planning during the voyage cycle of a sea vessel has been developed. It differs from the existing change in the method of planning the transition by trajectory points, taking into account the manoeuvrability characteristics, the water area for manoeuvring and the introduction of the stage “Risk Analyzer”.
Planning by the method of advanced content model and presentation of results by the summarized matrix of trajectory points (TP), after risk analysis, allows you to develop measures to manage the level of risks and maintain them at an acceptable level.
As a result of accident studies in the areas of the Bug-Dnieper-Lyman Canal and Kherson Sea Canal and comparison with the Turkish Straits, it was found that navigation risk factors are the same – grounding, collisions in the canal, onslaught or other vessels, ice cases, technical reasons (failure of the main engine). Therefore, measures for voyage planning and preparation for navigational risk management will be the same for any region.
The algorithm of planning by the method of the advanced content model allows the establishment of the cause of navigation risk and assumes the use of data for the vessel’s condition in real time.
To reduce the risk of stranding, high-precision planning of trajectory points, automatic control of the amount of lateral displacement and the introduction of the correct reserve of water depth under the keel. Continuous automatic control of the bandwidth, by calculating the abscissa of the pole of rotation, prevents landing on the shoal and collision with the wall of the canal, fairway or ship at the berth.
Keywords: vessel’s manoeuvrability characteristics, route planning by trajectory points, summarized matrix of voyage coordinates, navigational risks analyzer, acceptable risk management.
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