Issue №36



B. Alieksieichuk, The dependence of the accuracy of observation on essential factors and the way of its improvement

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.10-19 | PDF


The paper examines the influence of the main factors on the accuracy of determining the coordinates of the ship’s location and shows ways to improve it. An analytical expression of the minimum observation variance is given if the coordinates are calculated using the maximum likelihood method in the presence of excessive position lines.
The concept of a geometric factor is introduced, which is determined by the relative location of the LPs and their number. It is shown that the errors of the position lines can have a distribution according to the normal law, as well as according to the mixed laws of the first and second type. For each of the error distribution laws of the position lines, an analytical expression of the minimum observation variance was obtained and the efficiency of the observed coordinates of the ship was determined under the condition of calculating the coordinates by the method of least squares in the case of excessive position lines.
It is shown that in the case of the distribution of errors of the position lines according to the normal law, the efficiency of the observed coordinates is equal to one, and if according to the mixed distribution laws of the first and second type, then the efficiency is less than one and increases with the increase of the essential parameter.
It is emphasized that improving the accuracy of observation is possible by choosing the correct parameters of the dispersion of position lines, geometric factor and efficiency. A constant angle between the adjacent directions of the position lines is determined, at which the geometric factor becomes minimal and depends only on the number of LPs.
It is shown that if the errors of the position lines have a distribution according to the mixed laws of the first and second type, and the coordinates are calculated by the method of least squares, then there is a loss of observation accuracy. Therefore, a way of compensating the loss of observation accuracy by increasing the number of LPs taking into account the efficiency value is proposed.

Keywords:  navigational safety, accuracy of determining the coordinates, geometric factor, mixed distribution laws of the first and second type.


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Y. Bogachenko, І. Vorokhobin, І. Burmaka, O. Melnyk, O. Onishchenko, Dynamic positioning systems: mathematical modeling and control algorithms

DOI: : 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.20-29 | PDF


The importance of using dynamic positioning (DP) systems to ensure the stable location of marine vessels and platforms, especially in difficult weather or high traffic conditions, is outlined. The role of DP in reducing the risks of collisions and loss of position for vessels performing complex operations at sea is highlighted. The field of DP for offshore vessels is briefly described, and the importance of this topic in offshore operations is highlighted. Modern information sources dedicated to DP systems are characterized and the methodology of mathematical modeling used for the research is defined. Key to the analysis are academic sources and the work of the Marine Technology Society on ship position loss analysis. The data presented allowed understanding various aspects of DP systems management, including lost-of-position incidents. An overview of the main functions of DP systems and how they ensure the stability of offshore vessels and platforms. It has been identified that key trends or innovations are used in DP technology (for example, in the form of control algorithms for propeller-steering column motors and Azipod systems, improvements in power equipment). It is determined why DP systems are critical for offshore vessels, in particular from the point of view of safety and environmental impact, impact on the efficiency of operations, accident prevention, ensuring the operation of vessels in accordance with international maritime standards.
The possibility of using a simplified system of differential-algebraic equations describing electromechanical energy transformations in positioning systems is proposed. On this basis, a three-contour nonlinear positional system is given. The system includes position, speed and current controllers with corresponding sensors and a power converter. The classifications of typical positioning modes are given and the main differences in these processes are defined. It was determined that the proposed structural scheme of the positioning system allows for effective synthesis of individual coordinate controllers, which will ultimately improve the quality of positioning processes and is a direction for further research.

Keywords: positioning, offshore platform, offshore fleet, Asipod, propeller, electric motor, mathematical model, safety, reliability, regulators, control algorithms, energy efficiency, wind-wave load.


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I. Burmaka, M. Alekseichuk, A. Burmaka, Managing ships' close-quarters situations

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.30-38 | PDF


The collision avoidance process involves transitioning from a close-quarters situation to a safe navigational condition through an effective maneuver. A critical factor in this process is the controllability of the close-quarters situation, which reflects the potential to resolve a hazardous approach using maneuvering actions.
This paper investigates the controllability of ship approach situations from the perspective of collision prevention by altering a vessel’s heading. The study defines the conditions under which a heading maneuver is feasible, highlighting the existence of a subset of heading changes that ensure a safe closest point of approach (CPA), equal to or exceeding the maximum allowable distance.
The concept of the limiting moment is introduced, representing the point at which a ship enters a subset of unacceptable positions where passing at a specified safe CPA becomes unachievable. Analytical expressions are derived to estimate this moment for two scenarios: when the ship’s speed exceeds the target’s speed and when it is slower.
The research further proposes a method to assess the controllability of close-quarters situations based on the ratio of feasible relative courses to all possible relative courses during a 360° course adjustment. An analytical expression is presented, showing that controllability depends on the vessel-to-target speed ratio. When the ship’s speed exceeds the target’s, controllability equals one; otherwise, it does not exceed 0.5. This study provides a framework for evaluating navigational safety and improving decision-making during hazardous vessel approaches.

Keywords: navigational safety, ship collision prevention, close-quarters maneuvering, heading adjustment, controllability, closest point of approach (CPA).


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L. Vagushchenko, A. Kozachenko, Analysis of two ships’ close-quarters situation

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.39-56 | PDF


The development of autonomous ships has marked the beginning of a phase in which both conventional ships and unmanned ships will be sailing on the same water simultaneously. In this new phase, the basic mechanism for coordinating collision avoidance actions of ships will remain the COLREGs (International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea), after being revised to take into account the changed shipping conditions. In such a revision, the principles underlying the COLREGs should be retained and provisions that do not meet the new requirements should be corrected. This study is aimed at identifying such provisions in Section II of Part B of COLREGs, and clarifying the encounter situations affecting the choice of evading actions. Since the subject of the study was two ships approaches that lead to close quarters, the first thing analyzed was the criterion established by COLREGs to identify the risk of collision and the criterion used for this purpose in seamanship. It is recognized that these criteria are different, which may be a prerequisite for incorrect decisions. The work also revealed inconsistencies between COLREGs and used in good seamanship criteria for identifying encounter situations. Recommendations are made to eliminate these inconsistencies. Logical rules for identifying two ships key encounter situations (overtaking, head-on, crossing) and their subtypes influencing the effectiveness of evading actions are given. To define the boundary between head-on and crossing situations and to choose the action in crossing situation depending on the difference between own ship and target courses without using head-on sector are suggested. Classification of non-extreme two ships approaches with risk of collision is proposed, allowing to clearly distinguishing types of encounter situations, which is required for further automation of collision prevention processes.

Keywords: collision avoidance, COLREGs, risk of collision, encounter situation, classification.


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O. Volkov, Signal transmission errors in navigation of autonomous vessels

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.57-63 | PDF


The development of autonomous ships introduces significant challenges in ensuring navigation accuracy due to various signal errors. This study analyzes the primary sources of errors affecting navigation systems, including physical phenomena such as ionospheric disturbances, tropospheric refraction, and multipath effects caused by terrain or nearby objects. Additionally, technical issues such as satellite signal inaccuracies, geometric errors, and equipment faults are explored. These errors can compromise the precision of autonomous navigation, particularly in complex environments. The research emphasizes the need for integrating external correction sources and advanced signal processing techniques to minimize errors. Proposed solutions include the use of external reference systems, enhanced algorithms, and improved equipment calibration. By addressing these issues, the study aims to advance the reliability of autonomous navigation systems and ensure their safe operation in maritime environments. The findings contribute to the ongoing development of autonomous ship technology, providing insights into the optimization of navigation signal accuracy and error correction methods.

Keywords: autonomous ships, navigation systems, signal errors, ionospheric disturbances, tropospheric refraction, multipath effects, error correction, satellite navigation, maritime safety, autonomous navigation.


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S. Kozytskyi, Application of nanomaterials for prevention biofouling and the corrosion of the ship's hull

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.64-76 | PDF


Biofouling increases fuel consumption, accelerates corrosion and reduces the buoyancy of ships. The advances in nanotechnology is significantly contributing to the development of ecofriendly marine coatings. The silver nanoparticle coating prevents the adhesion of marine and freshwater algae and prevented mussel settlement through modification of the structure of biofilms. Mechanisms is based on the ability of Ag+ ions to anchor to cell walls and interacts with thiol groups of most of the vital enzymes, leading to deactivation of the enzyme, which ultimately stops bacterial growth leading to the death of the bacterial cell. Metal oxide nanoparticles, such as ZnO, TiO2, SnO2, V2O5 are highly photoactive and used for antimicrobial, self-cleaning, selfhealing, anti-corrosion and anti-biofouling applications. The basic principle of metal oxide based photocatalytic disinfection however involves the generation of highly reactive intermediate species, and these species lead to the photocatalytic destruction of adsorbed micro-organisms. Carbon nanotube and graphene exhibit good antimicrobial activity towards bacteria as well as bacterial spores and can impact the recruitment of macro-fouling organisms. Additionally the reinforcement of the paint matrix with carbon nanotube improves mechanical properties in the coatings/paints due to carbon nanotube have high tensile strength. The arguments that explain the special behavior of nanoparticles are given.

Keywords: nanocoating, silver nanoparticles, metal oxide nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes.


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D. Korban, Polarization measurements of echo signals of partially polarized waves of complex objects by a ship`s radar polarization complex

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.77-85 | PDF


The paper theoretically substantiates the methodology of polarization measurements of echo signals of a partially polarized wave of a complex object using an all-polarized antenna of a shipboard radar polarization complex (SRPC). The transformation of the echo signals of a partially polarized wave with regard to its polarization properties when passing through the microwave waveguide elements of the all-polarized antenna, such as power dividers (E-, H-, T-bridges) and polarization separators, which in a certain way divide the echo signals of the wave under analysis into orthogonal components in the waveguide path, is presented. It is shown that the polarization separator acts as a waveguide element that connects one of the electric field components at the output of a circular waveguide, during the reception of an echo signal of a partially polarized wave of a complex object, with currents and loads in one of the SRPC channels, and the second component with currents and loads in the second channel. The use of six channels simultaneously allows for instantaneous registration of the polarization state of the echo signal of a partially polarized wave received at the input of the all-polarized antenna from a complex radar surveillance object of the SRPC.
To transmit arbitrarily polarized fields in an all-polarized antenna, symmetry for two orthogonally polarized waves is ensured. The accuracy of the six-component polarization separator is evaluated. The possibility of using the polarization scattering matrix of the separator is substantiated, the elements of which allow to identify possible sources of errors caused by the imperfect factory manufacturing of waveguide elements, to establish the degree of coordination of each arm of the waveguide polarization separator.

Keywords: all-polarized antenna, partially polarized wave, waveguide polarization separator, polarization scattering matrix of the separator, echo signals of a complex object, error sources, polarization selection, degree of coordination of the waveguide sides of the separator.


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S. Kurdiuk, V. Dremliuk, O. Melnyk, O. Onishchenko, S. Halahan, T. Gavrylyuk, High-reliability data transmission software for marine unmanned vehicles

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.86-101 | PDF


The article examines modern approaches to the development of a highly reliable data transmission system for unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs). Unlike known solutions, an improved UUV communication algorithm is proposed. This algorithm ensures uninterrupted transmission of video information, telemetry data, and control signals for UUV mechanisms under conditions of significant interference and unstable signals. Special attention is paid to determining the technical requirements for data transmission and calculating the main characteristics of communication channels.
High-speed transmission, data protection, and communication stability in maritime environments are achieved through the proposed algorithm, which includes switching between different communication channels, data compression, and reconfiguring existing, simple equipment. The analysis of existing solutions is presented. A comparison of various types of data transmission systems is provided, highlighting key challenges related to integrating such communication systems into UUVs, which are characterized by limited energy resources.
A conceptual architecture for building a communication system is proposed. It includes the parallel use of hybrid technologies with automatic selection of the optimal transmission technology under specific UUV operating conditions. Practical results are presented, confirming the feasibility of the proposed approach for organizing communication with UUVs in uncertain and unstable operational environments.
An algorithm for the system’s channel-switching operation is described. Experimental results show that the developed communication system (video transmission, control data, and telemetry) is effective even in cases where 4 out of 5 data packets are lost while traversing public Internet networks via unstable channels.

Keywords: unmanned underwater vehicles, data transmission system, maritime navigation, hybrid communication technologies, communication stability, delay, packet loss, IP routing, penalty coefficient method, satellite data transmission, LTE, VPN, QoS, QoE.


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O. Melnyk, O. Onishchenko, S. Kurdiuk, O. Drozdenko, T. Gavrylyuk, D. Burlachenko, Contemporary methods of countering unmanned systems: technologies and prospects

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.102-115 | PDF


The rapid expansion of the use of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in both civilian and military applications has led to an urgent need for advanced technologies to counter them. This study examines the technical, operational, and strategic challenges posed by unmanned systems and proposes a comprehensive approach to countering these threats. In particular, the paper examines current countermeasures, including radio frequency jamming, laser jamming, microwave and acoustic deterrence, and physical interception techniques. Each approach is analyzed for its effectiveness in different operational scenarios, with a special emphasis on the limitations and advantages inherent in each method. Simulation models and experimental results further validate the proposed concept, demonstrating how these technologies can be optimized to protect critical infrastructure from unmanned systems and mitigate risks in challenging environments. The need for hybrid solutions that combine several technologies adapted to the type of UAS and situation parameters is emphasized to provide reliable and flexible protection in both air and maritime environments. The critical role of an interdisciplinary approach is emphasized and potential areas for improving countermeasures in response to the development of UAS capabilities are suggested.

Keywords: unmanned aerial systems, maritime unmanned systems, countermeasures, radio frequency jamming, laser jamming, microwave jamming, acoustic interception, hybrid security systems, interoperability, critical infrastructure protection, interceptor drones, unmanned technologies.


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M. Miyusov, O. Kryvyi, Optimal control of the combined propulsion system of a vessel with wind propulsors

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.116-130 | PDF


At the 80th session of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (МЕРС) of the International Maritime Organization (IMO), a strategy was adopted to reduce greenhouse gas emissions from ships, starting from 2023 with the expansion of targets for combating hazardous emissions. This strategy includes expanded overall targets to achieve zero greenhouse gas emissions in the merchant fleet by 2050, a commitment to ensure the introduction of alternative fuels with zero or near zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. One of the important approaches to solving this problem is the use of wind propulsors as part of the ship’s combined propulsion system. This use can be considered at the following stages: ship design, voyage planning and direct voyage execution. This work is devoted to the consideration of the last two aspects. Methods for determining two important values for determining the optimal operating modes of a combined propulsion complex with wind propulsors have been developed: the recommended average speed of the ship per voyage, a constant value that is present in the optimality criteria, and the distribution law of the optimal speed per voyage that would satisfy the given optimality criteria, particularly the minimum fuel consumption. To determine the recommended average ship speed per voyage, graphic and analytical methods were used to find the extrema of the objective functions, which show the dependence of the specific costs on the ship’s speed. The problem of determining the optimal current ship’s speed is formulated in the form of a variational isoparametric problem in the presence of restrictions in the class of piecewise-smooth functions, and a method of its solution is proposed. The obtained results made it possible to determine for a specific voyage, in particular, the dependence of the optimal ship`s speed and specific fuel consumption on the speed and direction of the true wind, as well as the dependence of the specific hourly and total fuel consumption per voyage for various types of wind propulsors on the recommended average ship’s speed per voyage. Calculations confirm that the use of wind propulsors significantly increases the economic efficiency of ship operation and leads to a decrease in environmental pollution.

Keywords: ship’s propulsion system, wind propulsors, recommended average ship’s speed per voyage, objective functions, optimal control, variational problem for conditional extremum.


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I. Petrov, N. Rudnichenko, Yu. Kazak, Stochastic model of port operation at uneven cargoes passage and vessels delay risk assessment

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.131-146 | PDF


The article considers the probabilistic model of the port terminal operation, which takes into account the irregularity of cargo delivery by land transport and its removal by sea vessels. The tasks of the article are solved using a combination of methods of mass service theory and inventory theory. A conclusion was made about the shortcomings of existing methods for the needs of modern logistics. The analysis of the operation of the terminal was carried out under the assumption of uneven delivery of cargo to the terminal warehouse by ground modes of transport and removal by ships, and the unloading front has unlimited capacity. The operation of the terminal is studied in the steady mode. Using a number of mathematical assumptions, the flow of loaded vehicles is described by a model of a complex Poisson process with integral trajectories and zero drift. The work derives a system of integro-differential equations and boundary conditions. The system is solved using the Laplace-Stiltjes method and the application of the function convolution theorem. This allows to ultimately arrive at a ratio for the operation of the terminal in the steady mode. Such calculations made it possible to obtain stationary mathematical expectations of the amount of cargo, the number of vessels also for an arbitrary moment of time, the stationary probability of a vessel being idle while waiting for cargo to be picked up, and the carrying capacity of the cargo front of the terminal. An example of a system solution for a particular case, when there is one vessel under processing at one berth, is given. The risks of the sea Agent, which lead to the downtime of the ships due to the incomplete completion of the ship’s consignment of cargo, are considered. Such risks will pose a significant problem for the canvasser and the shipowner. With the help of the insurance expediency criterion derived in the work, recommendations are given for Shipowners and their Agents to eliminate the risks of additional downtime of vessels at the berth due to delays in the delivery of cargoes to the terminal warehouse, which will lead to the emergence of new risks of additional downtime of vessels.

It is shown that the obtained results are important for the needs of practice, as they allow forming a strategy for replenishing cargo stocks at port warehouses in conditions of uneven arrival of vehicles at the time of their need for loading ships. From a theoretical point of view, the obtained results demonstrate the possibility of using the apparatus of Markov processes to solve various tasks of optimal management of stocks under conditions of random fluctuations in their demand.

Keywords: agent, canvassing, terminal, cargo, warehouse, ship, inventory theory, stochastic model, Markov random process, Laplace-Stiltjes transformation, function convolution theorem, insurance.


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O. Sagaydak, O. Melnyk, Analysis and assessment of new risk factors in the shipping industryавстві

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.147-162 | PDF


This article reviews the modern challenges and associated risks arising in maritime shipping in the context of intensive technological development, such as the growth of ship sizes and the introduction of artificial intelligence. The main risk factors are classified into four groups: technical, technological, environmental and human. A comprehensive approach to risk management is proposed, including the use of FMEA, TOPSIS, scenario analysis and statistical methods. A risk management algorithm, tables of probability and consequence assessments are developed, as well as recommended measures to minimize their impact. Special attention is paid to the use of alternative methods such as fuzzy logic for working with uncertain risks.

Keywords: shipping, risk management, technical risks, environmental factors, human factors, scenario analysis, ship safety, maritime innovations, artificial intelligence, autonomous ships, accidents at sea, risk minimization.


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A. Sandler, V. Shepel, Automated device for determination distance and shape recognition of distant objects

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.163-170 | PDF


The study focuses on enhancing the quality of oceanographic research through the use of advanced optoelectronic systems. It emphasizes the effectiveness of optical positioning in determining distances, identifying shapes of remote objects, and analyzing aerosol layers in the atmosphere. The advantages of optoelectronic systems, such as high resolution and the ability to distinguish neighboring objects, are highlighted, with applications in marine navigation and hydrometeorology. Existing solutions and their limitations are reviewed, leading to the proposal of an automated device equipped with a fiber-optic branching system and independent control of electro-optical filters. This innovative approach enables enhanced scanning capabilities and increased reliability. The study also delves into mathematical modeling, algorithm optimization, and the application of Liouville’s theorem to improve power transmission efficiency between waveguide structures. The findings aim to advance oceanographic research by addressing technical challenges and ensuring more accurate and efficient data collection.

Keywords: oceanographic research, optoelectronic systems, optical positioning, fiber-optic branching, electro-optical filters, marine navigation, hydrometeorology, mathematical modeling, Liouville’s theorem, waveguide structures.


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[9] Sandler, A. K. Application of Alternative Glass Materials for Deformation and Vibration Sensors of Propulsion Complex Elements // Automation of Ship Technical Means. – 2023. – No. 28. – Odessa: NU OMA. – P. 79–89. DOI: 10.31653/1819-3293-2023-1-28-79-89. [in Ukrainian]

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[12] Sandler, A. K., Shepel, V. V., Hermanchuk, D. O. Automated System for Oceanographic Research // XIII International Scientific-Methodical Conference “Ship Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Automation”, November 22-23, 2023: Conference Proceedings. – Odesa: NUOMA. – 2023. – P. 201–207. DOI: 10.31653/2706-7874.SEEEA-2023.11.1-248 [in Ukrainian]

[13] Sandler, A. K., Omelchenko, T. Yu. Improvement of Automated Devices for Navigation Equipment Adjustment // Education and Science of Today: Intersectoral Issues and Development of Sciences: Collection of Scientific Papers “LOGOS” with Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Cambridge, March 29, 2024. Cambridge-Vinnytsia: P.C. Publishing House & UKRLOGOS Group LLC. – 2024. – P. 227-232. DOI: 10.36074/logos-26.04.2024.049 [in Ukrainian]

[14] Babachenko, M. V., Sandler, A. K. Increasing the Efficiency of Stakeholders and Maritime Higher Education Institutions Interaction // Education and Science of Today: Intersectoral Issues and Development of Sciences: Collection of Scientific Papers “LOGOS” with Proceedings of the VI International Scientific and Practical Conference, Cambridge, March 29, 2024. Cambridge-Vinnytsia: P.C. Publishing House & UKRLOGOS Group LLC. – 2024. – P. 82-84. DOI: 10.36074/logos-29.03.2024.019 [in Ukrainian]

A. Sokol, A method of forming a set of individual test tasks for assessing the level of seafarer training in the process of simulator training

DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.36.2024.171-180 | PDF


This paper deals with the aspects of seafarers professional training emphasizing simulator training, that should consider the specific requirements of professional activity. Underlined that the quality of simulator training directly affects the efficiency of interaction between the “navigator-crew-vessel” system. it is A multicriteria approach was proposed to use assessing the level of navigator’s professional competence, which includes the amount and quality of knowledge, skills and abilities, as well as the motivation and activity of students. To implement the control of the approach, a set of individual test tasks should be formed, considering certain properties, which should monitor and evaluate the actions of the student, his/her interaction with the simulator workplace management bodies, logical, operational and time errors, report on the student actions and propose the necessary changes to the training program. The development of an automated training quality management system based on artificial intelligence technologies will optimize the process of testing and monitoring the training level, which, in turn, will provide adaptive learning and improve the quality of navigators training.

Keywords: professional training, seafarer, simulator training, testing, adaptive learning environment, artificial intelligence.


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