Issue №35


Зміст випуску

I. Burmaka, B. Alieksieichuk, Accuracy of coordinates for determining the ship's position, calculated by the least squares method, in case of redundant measurements
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.10-21 | PDF

This article discusses the accuracy of the vessel’s position coordinates, calculated using the least squares method, in the presence of redundant line positions (LP) over time, assuming the LP error is normally distributed. It is stated that for a normal error distribution, the least squares method is the maximum likelihood method, thus the norm of the positional error covariance matrix is minimized, ensuring the highest accuracy of the vessel’s position coordinates. Field observation results are presented, where experimental data were obtained, demonstrating the possibility of altering navigational parameters. Following the adjustment of navigational parameters, a series of tests were conducted, exceeding 100 in total. The analysis of these results indicates that deviations in navigational parameterization, achieved over a limited time interval, conform to the normal law of variability distribution. Adjustments to the parameters over a larger interval are subject to changes in the laws of change, with the degree of power of some of the normal law proportional to the interval of the series value of the navigational parameter. It is demonstrated that the efficiency of observing the vessel’s coordinates, calculated by the least squares method during times of redundant LP, the errors of which can be calculated according to different laws, is less than one. To evaluate the efficiency of coordinate observation derived from overly large LP and gaps using the least squares method, a computer simulation was performed. During this simulation, efficiency values were compared with the highest theoretically achievable efficiency values, as outlined in the article, and the difference between them in the case of high-technological parameters was less than 22.0%. The simulations conducted showed good agreement between the efficiency assessments derived from analytical expressions and those obtained from the simulations, thereby confirming the validity of the analytical method for evaluating the efficiency of observed coordinates, calculated by the least squares method.

Keywords: navigational safety, accuracy of coordinates assignment, change of law and subdivision, simulation modelling.


1. Pavić I. Analysis of Crowdsourced Bathymetry Concept and It’s Potential Implications on Safety of Navigation/ Pavić I., Mišković J., Kasum J., Alujević D.// TransNav, International journal on marine navigation and safety of sea transportation, Vol. 14, No. 3, pp. 681-686, 2020.
2. Malić E. A Method and a Model for Risk Assessment of GNSS Utilisation with a Proof-of-Principle Demonstration for Polar GNSS Maritime Applications/ Malić E., Sikirica N., Špoljar D., Filjar R.// TransNav, International journal on marine navigation and safety of sea transportation, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 43-50, 2023.
3. Džunda M., Čikovský S., Melniková L.: Model of the Random Phase of Signal E6 of the Galileo Satellite Navigation System/ Džunda M., Čikovský S., Melniková L. // TransNav, International journal on marine navigation and safety of sea transportation, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 61-68, 2023.
4. Džunda M. Model of the Signal of the Galileo Satellite Navigation System/ Džunda M., Čikovský S., Melniková L.// TransNav, International journal on marine navigation and safety of sea transportation, Vol. 17, No. 1, pp. 51-59, 2023
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L. Vagushchenko, A. Kozachenko, Aspects of digitalization of ship collision avoidance regulations
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.22-33 | PDF

The study is devoted to the development of proposals that would allow for a more complete consideration of the requirements for actions to avoid ships in various situations. On the basis of the analysis of methods for ensuring safe avoidance it is established that the most suitable variant of setting safety limits can be considered as target domains. It is noted that when passing by target at long distance, it is necessary to take into account in domain the features of own ship and that target. The first vessel is considered as a point when solving the problems of collision avoidance in this case. When it is necessary to pass by at a short distance, the size of the own ship is not taken into account in the target domains. Own ship is represented as a rectangle with sides equal to her length and width. It is noted that the most appropriate way to prevent collisions with navigational obstacles is to use the boundaries of safe bearing, distances, lanes, depths (isobaths, “no go areas” contours) in onboard collision avoidance systems. These boundaries should be stored in the system memory. An indicator for determining the significance of a change in course or/and speed is proposed. The method is chosen and the duration of maneuver calculation is found with its help, at which the results obtaining will be considered in real time. The necessity to disregard point (b) in COLREGs Rule 14 when automatically determining the type of situations is justified, as its taking into account reduces the number of existing variants of approaching ships with the risk of collision on opposite courses. A refined list of binary situations affecting the choice of maneuvers in free waters in normal visibility is presented. The actions answering the binary situations and not contradicting COLREGs are proposed for power driven ships and vessels with different navigational status in free waters in normal visibility. Eight types of acceptable action zones were identified and prioritized to select maneuvers in the presence of moving and stationary obstacles. The maneuver option is selected in the zone with the highest priority.

Keywords: collision avoidance, domain of danger, binary situations, compliance with COLREGs, zones of acceptable actions.


1. Ahmed, Y.A.; Hannan, M.A.; Oraby, M.Y.; Maimun, A. COLREGs Compliant Fuzzy-Based Collision Avoidance System for Multiple Ship Encounters. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 9, 2021, 790.
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3. Cymbal N.N., Buzbeckiy R.Y. Formalization of COLREGs in terms of coordination of ship-to-ship interaction when evading. Navigation. № 12: 2006. 124 – 129.
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5. Hannaford, E., Maes, P. & Van Hassel, E. Autonomous ships and the collision avoidance regulations: a licensed deck officer survey. WMU J Marit Affairs 21, 2022. 233–266.
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7. Jesús A. García Maza, Reyes Poo Argüelles. COLREGs and their application in collision avoidance algorithms: A critical analysis. Ocean Engineering 261. 112029, 2022. 1-14.
8. Lazarowska, A. Review of Collision Avoidance and Path Planning Methods for Ships Utilizing Radar Remote Sensing. Remote Sens. 13, 2021. 3265.
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10. Perera L. P., Batalden B. M. Possible COLREGs Failures under Digital Helmsman of Autonomous Ships. OCEANS – Marseille, France, 2019, pp. 1-7.
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13. Varas J. M., Hirdaris S., Smith R., Scialla P., Caharija W., Bhuiyan Z., Mills T., Naeem W., Hu L., Renton I., Motson D., Rajabally E. MAXCMAS Project – Autonomous COLREGs Compliant Ship Navigation. 16th International Conference on Computer and IT Applications in the Maritime Industries. – Cardiff, Hamburg, Technische Universität Hamburg-Harburg, – 2017. Pp. 454-465.
14. Wróbel K., Gil M., Huang Y., Wawruch R. The Vagueness of COLREG versus Collision Avoidance Techniques. – A Discussion on the Current State and Future Challenges Concerning the Operation of Autonomous Ships. Sustainability. 14, 2022, 16516.

O. Volkov, Autonomous surface auxiliary vessels: advantages and problems
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.34-42 | PDF

With the continuous progress of modern science and technology and the increasing requirements for marine transport in various fields, the intelligence and automation of ships has become a general trend. Autonomous unmanned surface vessel (UASV) control generally includes UASV trajectory planning, path tracking control, and autonomous collision avoidance control. Due to their low cost, small size, fast action, reconnaissance capabilities and other advantages, BPNS play a very important role in everyday life, emergency response and scientific research. UASV, as a rule, consist of a platform and a payload system. But in the whole process of UASV navigation, autonomous mooring is also an important part. And there are fewer studies on the automatic mooring algorithm of UASV. The advanced technology of autonomous mooring of BPNS can effectively reduce the cost of human, material and financial resources, while reducing the accident rate in a reasonable and safe manner. Therefore, it is very important to comprehensively promote the development of autonomous navigation and mooring technology of UASV.

Keywords: Autonomous unmanned surface vessel (UASV), autonomous mooring.


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M. Golodov, V. Sikirin, Determination and consideration of systematic errors in the measurement of navigation depths
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.43-59 | PDF

The scientific study considers the issue of studying the features and determining the inherent values of systematic errors that occur when measuring navigation depths with multibeam echosounders, the elimination of these errors from the measurement results, which requires a special organization and methodology for performing multibeam echosounders tests. Systematic errors of navigation data can affect as on the magnitude of the depth itself, as well as on its planned position, and their influence should be evaluated after studying the angular measurements by echo sounder beams and calibration. The calibration of multi-beam systems, as well as the horizontal and vertical movements of the vessel, is much more significant and complicated compared to the calibration of single-beam systems. It is necessary to perform system accuracy control tests to confirm the reliability of multibeam echosounder data. These tests should preferably be carried out on board before taking depth measurements. For this, it is necessary to capture data, process and edit them in real time. Periodic performance of accurate calibration and testing is necessary to confirm that the multibeam survey meets the accuracy requirements. Multibeam echosounders calibration tests are performed with the aim of minimizing errors, taking into account the delay time of data acquisition, sea waves and changes in the ship’s course.

Keywords: multibeam echosounder, systematic errors, sensor calibration, hydrographic surveys, relief of the seabed, marine navigation chart, measured tacks, survey software.


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O. Kryvyi, M. Miyusov, M. Kryvyi, New mathematical models of the thrust coefficient and the torque coefficient on the ship's propeller shaft
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.60-75 | PDF

Solving the problems of course stabilization of the ship, dynamic positioning, the ship divergence dynamics, the construction of effective simulators and autopilots are not possible without the use of adequate mathematical models of the dynamics of the ship. The presence of the latter is also a necessary condition for studying various ship maneuvers, in particular, such as circulation, Kempf zigzag, slowing down, acceleration, etc. Improving control methods, including trends towards full autonomy of ships, necessitates constant improvement of mathematical models of the ship’s propulsion complex. The general mathematical model of ship dynamics includes mathematical models of inertial and non-inertial forces acting on the ship. The latter include, in particular, hydrodynamic forces on the hull, forces caused by the operation of the ship’s rudders and propellers, aerodynamic forces acting on the ship’s hull, and forces caused by the ship’s sailing rig. Mathematical models for non-inertial forces have an empirical multilevel character, include mathematical models of various quantities and parameters, and are built on the basis of experimental data processing or methods of computational hydrodynamics. Therefore, the improvement and refinement of each such model leads to the improvement of the mathematical model as a whole and is an important scientific and actual practical task. An important task is also to bring the specified mathematical models to a form that is convenient for use. In this work, new adequate, easy-to-use, mathematical models of the thrust coefficient of the propeller and the torque coefficient on the propeller shaft were obtained using regression analysis methods, and their excellent consistency with known mathematical models was shown on specific examples. For the main types of commercial vessels, the numerical values of the coefficients of the models are given, and the values of the propeller advance ratio of the zero thrust and zero torque on the propeller shaft are determined. This made it possible to obtain the condition of normal accident-free operation of the propulsion complex of the ship, which must be satisfied by the speed of the ship and the frequency of rotation of the propeller shaft, at different values of the drift angle and angular speed.

Keywords: mathematical models, ship propellers, propeller thrust coefficients, propeller shaft torque coefficients.


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O. Monastyrska, M. Chesnokova, Root cause analysis (RCA) as an effective cognitive method in content and language integrated learning (CLIL)
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.76-85 | PDF

This article considers Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) as a dual-focused educational approach in which Maritime English is used for the learning and teaching of both content and language. In maritime business English is applied as a lingua franca because this field requires an English-language-proficient workforce. Authors’ teaching experience with navigational students at the National University “Odessa Maritime Academy” shows that to achieve professional competence on operational and management levels using English as the main communicative tool, students have to be intellectually challenged in order to transform information and ideas, to solve problems based on their situational awareness. Effective content learning should be applied through creative thinking, problem-solving and cognitive challenge. A navigator must figure out the cause of the problem and the processes that will help him to survive and save the property and crew. The technique of Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is widely used in all spheres of life and science as an effective method of predicting, analyzing, and summarizing the facts and building a clear paradigm to solve professional tasks. RCA has proven to be a powerful loss-prevention tool and allows crewmembers to discover the true root cause of a casualty. The problem-solving approach focuses on the analytical and cognitive ability of navigators to find correct professionally-grounded solutions based on good seamanship on board the vessel.

Keywords: Maritime English, situational awareness, content, cognition, problem-solving task, case-history, creative thinking, root cause, accident investigation.

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G. Muravyov, Peculiarities of planning the ways coordinates of trajectory points of an autonomous vessel considering navigational risks
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.86-103 | PDF

Marine autonomous surface vessels came both numerous advantages and critical dangers that must be addressed early. The accident rate of autonomous vessels during the voyage cycle has an elevated level of navigational risk and the impact of cyberattacks due to the large number of receivers and transmitters of the maneuvering parameter control system and motion control coordinates along the planned trajectory. To organize accident-free navigation, it is necessary to perform high-precision planning of path coordinates using the method of trajectory points (TP), which takes into account the geometry of the path and the characteristics of the vessel. After this, it is necessary to identify hazardous areas by engineering means, determine the type of navigational risks, and plan ways to manage their level, to prepare shore operators and automatic ship control systems for maneuvering under the conditions of risks that may occur during its use. The solution to this problem should begin with the compilation of a generalized table of navigational risks and their percentage probability, and methods that will help avoid risks. One of the modern methods of determining risks is the engineering method of managing navigational risks, which determines the frequency of occurrence of various kind of risks and allows to provide preventive methods for the safe use of autonomous vessels by managing of their level. The methods of determining main navigational risks were proposed in this research, as well as systems of planning them in order to ensure the proper control. The obtained results can be used to ensure the navigational safety of autonomous vessels and also to improve methods of navigational risks planning and management by their level in the context of autonomous vessels application.

Keywords: navigation risks, engineering method, safety planning of the trajectory points, managing by the safety level of autonomous ships.


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3. Shumilova, K. V., Maltsev, A. S., “The management of individual navigational risks of the ship voyage cycle,” Shipping & Navigation vol. 33, 2022. DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.128-142.
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V. Nazarenko, V. Savchuk, Mathematical model for predicting the values of the main characteristics of a tanker’s seagoing condition after loading
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.104-115 | PDF

Transportation of oil cargoes by the world tanker fleet takes place in various climatic zones with significant fluctuations in ambient temperature. When the temperature of the oil cargo increases, its volume will increase, which may lead to increasing the risks of the cargo spilling onto the ship’s deck. International conventions and codes that regulate the transportation of crude oil and petroleum products allow the use of only 98% of the cargo capacity of the tanker, the remaining 2% is called the safety factor, i.e. the margin of volume for the unforeseen expansion of the cargo when sailing in different climatic zones. From the other hand, the intensity of cargo operations during the transportation of various types of cargo, including oil cargo, has led to an increase in the role of the “human factor” in ship’s energetic system. Reducing the number of ship crews leads to the accumulation of fatigue, distraction of the attention of ship operators (masters) in the process of increasing the intensity of carrying out cargo operations on the ship. A significant share of tanker fleet accidents occurs as a result of loss of control over the volume of bulk cargo that is accepted in each tank of the vessel. The operator’s lack of accurate information about the state of each tank’s filling at the current moment of time leads to the risk of overflowing of a separate tank, which, in turn, can cause the spillage of bulk cargo, for example, petroleum products on the ship’s deck and on the water surface of the port’s water area. The relevance of these problems determines the direction of this research. For constant dynamic monitoring of the tanker parameters’ conformity during loading operations, considering parameters that maximally satisfy the requirements of maritime safety and taking into account all restrictions, such as the maximum permissible volumes of oil cargo in tanks, the current study proposes to use a mathematical model and create a system for automatic control of tanker loading.

Keywords: oil cargo, tanker, level gauges, safety factor, loading control, mathematical model.

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12. V. M. Nazarenko, V. D. Savchuk, “System of automated control of tanker cargo operation,” Shipping & Navigation, vol. 33, pp. 85-93, 2022, DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.33.2022.87-95.
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O. Pashenko, The GMDSS operators` training level analysis: a distress signal relay
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.116-127 | PDF

One of the main tasks of Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS) is a distress radio communication. The GMDSS uses technologies, including satellite and digital selective call (DSC) methods in the medium frequency (MF), high frequency (HF) and very high frequency (VHF) bands, in order to arrange the transmission and reception of distress signals within a short period of time. A distress alert has absolute priority over all other transmissions. A distress relay alert is an integral part of distress procedures. Usually students do not clearly understand the circumstances under which it can be performed. The purpose of the work is to explain the procedure for a distress relay alert. The article describes a study of awareness among active seafarers and students of maritime educational institutions on the issues of distress and distress relay. It was found that almost half of the respondents do not have sufficient knowledge on distress relay. This can be explained by the lack of practical experience and theoretical basis. The creation of clear coordination of actions and an algorithm for relaying a signal in case of distress requires training on modern equipment with a clear interface under the guidance of an experienced instructor. It should be noted that a third of respondents witnessed a distress in real life, while fewer had experienced a distress relay. Therefore, there is a need to consider these issues during training. Increasing of workload and lack of time dictate higher requirements for the knowledge of navigators. Therefore, the article focuses on the theoretical base of distress relay and practical skills of its transmission using the new generation of Sailor equipment. A clear algorithm of actions for seafarers when using the equipment has been developed and presented using practical examples. Particular attention is paid to the interface of VHF and MF/HF radiostations.

Keywords: DROBOSE, distress relay, GMDSS, MF/HF, VHF, DSC.


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O. Pipchenko, N. Konon, Improvement of marine professional training methods through the involvement of modern technologies
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.128-142 | PDF
Present work is dedicated to examining the latest advancements in modeling and simulation, specifically their implementation in Maritime Education and Training (MET). The investigation emphasizes the application of progressive technologies like Extended Reality (XR) and computer simulations, as well as the integration of authentic data and scenarios into educational curricula. Moreover, this document critically evaluates the challenges and difficulties linked with the deployment of these technologies in MET, while also contemplating potential effects for the maritime sector. The paper delivers a thorough review of both the existing level of integration of simulation technologies in educational domains and the caliber of training for a variety of maritime operations. The document elucidates how these technologies can enhance the safety and efficiency of vessels in the maritime industry. In this regard, it also presents and discusses user feedback on the incorporation of Virtual Reality into teaching methodologies, based on the provided VR simulators. In conclusion, the paper suggests a concept for a multi-station vessel control simulator that could be further developed and refined.

Keywords: MET, XR, VR, extended reality, simulation, safety at sea, professional maritime training.


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O. Raynov, Determination of the vessel’s position coordinates by the altitude difference observation
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.143-150 | PDF

Currently, in ocean navigation, one of the backup methods, and often the only one, is the astronomical method of determining the ship’s position. To jointly determine the latitude and longitude of a place from the end of the 19th century to the present day, only one navigation parameter is used – the altitude, although in nautical astronomy other navigation parameters can theoretically be used – altitude difference, sum of altitude, azimuth, azimuth difference, etc. In practice, there is no acceptable method for determining the latitude and longitude of a ship’s position from the measured altitude difference. The existing method of position lines for plotting isolines on a navigation map makes it possible to develop a method acceptable for navigation practice for determining the latitude and longitude of a vessel from the measured altitude difference. In this study, the author justifies the practical possibility of determining the coordinates of a vessel astronomically from the altitude difference, based on separate measurements of the altitude with a navigation sextant. The developed method for determining the coordinates of a ship’s location from the measured altitude difference allows us to significantly increase the accuracy of determining the latitude and longitude of the ship’s location by reducing the influence of random method errors caused by the geographical coordinates of the ship’s location and the position of the Luminary illumination pole on the Earth’s surface, as well as eliminating the influence of systematic altitude measurement errors. Another advantage of the method is that it is completely autonomous and makes it possible to use the sextant for measurements available on board.

Keywords: celestial navigation, position measurement, astronomical ship positioning, altitude difference.


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Yu. Khussein, Method of automated classification of emergency situations with a vessel in the seaport waters
DOI: 10.31653/2306-5761.35.2023.151-162 | PDF

The aim of the study is to develop a method that allows to improve the accuracy of classification of emergencies with a ship in the seaport area. To achieve the research objective, an improved method for automated classification of ship emergencies in the seaport area under conditions of deterministic uncertainty is proposed. The method consists of methods for formalising and processing knowledge on determining the classes of ship emergencies. The method of knowledge formalisation is based on the formation of a set of factors influencing the classification of ship emergencies in the seaport water area based on fuzzy binary relations of non-strict preference. The method of knowledge processing is based on the formation of productive rules for classifying emergencies with a ship in the seaport area according to the predicted or current values of the desired factors in a fuzzy formulation. The determination of the membership functions of several fuzzy variables to linguistic variables is based on the processing of expert data represented by a matrix of binary relations of the values of the membership function of the elements of the domain of determining linguistic variables. A comparative assessment of the classes of recognisable emergencies with a vessel in the seaport water area involves solving a multi-criteria optimisation problem using the hierarchy analysis method. As a mathematical model for determining the classes of emergency situations with a vessel in the seaport waters, the article substantiates a logical-linguistic productive hierarchical model. The process of determining the classes of emergency is described with the help of an algebraic model, which is closest to the linguistic description. In case of inexpediency of synthesis of products, it is proposed to use the method of fuzzy identification to reduce the number of product rules. The proposed method allows to improve the accuracy of classification of emergencies with a ship in the seaport area under conditions of deterministic uncertainty.

Keywords: classification, maritime port, hierarchy analysis, fuzzy identification, logical-linguistic production hierarchical model, vessel, class of emergency situations, fuzzy variable, linguistic variable.


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