Issue №31
L. Vagushchenko, A. Vagushchenko, A. Aleksishin Collision avoidance planning with a situational approach to determine the type of actions
To comply with the COLREGs, enumerating method was applied to search for optimal strategy to avoid collision and return to the initial course and speed. At each step of the enumeration, it is determined that the current option of the maneuver belongs to one of the selected sets of acceptable variants of the maneuver. Among the current number of variants of this set, according to the selected criterion the best one has been found. Also, at each step of enumeration, the loss of sailing time due to deviation from the route and other characteristics are determined for the current variant of maneuver. After the end of the enumeration, according to the selected criterion the best maneuver variant on the set of required substantial variants is considered optimal for collision avoidance. If this set is empty, the optimal variant for collision avoidance is the best option on the set of lower degree of adequacy to the situation. The criteria and limitations for determining the best option for different sets are not the same. A numerical method for determining the set of the acceptable start of the maneuver for returning to the active route leg after the completion of combined Z-maneuver has been also developed. When solving the problem, the dynamics of the own vessel was taken into account in a simplified manner, and it was assumed that the parameters of the movement of targets would be unchanged. The authenticity of this method has been checked by means of simulation modeling of ships’ passing.
The results of the analysis of the set of acceptable variants of the strategy, obtained during the enumeration, were memorized. Having based on these results it became possible to build the diagram, which facilitates for the operator the choice of actions in the dialogue mode with the system.
Key words: collision avoidance, combined Z-manoeuver, compliance with COLREGs, enumerative method.
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S.E. Maltsev Operational control of maneuvering width in compressed waters
The third stage is the most suitable for navigation purposes, because it receives the original data from the existing navigation device, requires minimal calculations, so it can be performed quickly, in the process of maneuvering and in time to execute the necessary commands to adjust the movement.
Based on the use of new methods for determining the abscissa of the pivot point developed a block diagram of the system of control and registration of the probable width of the shunting band, taking into account the characteristics of stability, speed of the vessel and angular velocity at constant speed and when turning.
Developed methods and techniques of using a given algorithm for planning and operation of the ship control system, including curved segments of the path, can significantly increase the safety of navigation. The use of information about the pivot point and planning the width of the maneuvering shift, allows you to detect the beginning of the curvilinear motion and adjust the controls to move along the planned trajectory.
The results can be used on ships in automatic mooring planning, as part of a pilot’s individual information device and in the development of a simulator for training navigators to perform navigation in compressed waters. The proposed device can be used in the training of captains, pilots and senior courses of maritime educational institutions of Ukraine.
Keywords: boundary yaw on a constant course, maneuvering shift, curvilinear motion, pivot point, characteristic linear size, probable width of maneuvering shift, operative control, admissible width of navigable water area.
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S.A. Mikhailov, I.M. Vikulin, N.S. Mikhailov Electronic gas-analyzers for unmanned ships
A task of creation fully of electronic automatic measuring devices for control of composition of gas environment is especially actual for autonomous unmanned ships without a crew. The feature of realization of such task is that output signals of measuring devices must be all-electric, electronic, consonant with the systems of transmission of these coastal control centers.
Known devices, measuring of composition of gas environment, executed on the basis of the semiconductor thin-films inflicted on ceramic basis, have a high energy consumption and limited tenure of employment from the necessity of their heating to the temperatures 200 – 500 °C.
Perspective are the measuring systems on the basis of the field transistors executed on a structure «metal-dielectric-semiconductor». Such devices can be used for control of maintenance of hydrogen. Application of bridge chart of measuring on four such transistors allowed to promote a sensitiveness in 10-15 times.
The optronic measuring systems differ in an enhanceable fast-acting and stability of testimonies due to absence of contact of gas atoms with the electric chains of sensor. A chart is offered for control of maintenance of ammonia in the gas environment of ship.
Magnetic electronic sensors gas analyzer on the basis of twocollectors magnetic transistor can be applied for measuring of concentration of oxygen in a gas environment on a ship. He allows to control maintenance of gas and measure his concentration on electrophysics descriptions of gas. In particular, measuring take place by control of size of relative permeance of gas mixture.
Quite obviously, that the electronic analyzers of gas environment for the different types of gases will become the obligatory attribute of future autonomous unmanned ships without a crew. They will be able not only to replace classic gas analyzers but also will allow, in real-time, operatively to inform the operators of coastal control centers about a current situation for the acceptance of necessary decisions on providing of safety of navigation.
Keywords: automatic ships, electronics data transmit, gas-analyzer, safety of navigation, navigation, unmanned ships.
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V. Pernykoza, O. Pipchenko, O. Burchak, U. Kazak Simulation of incidents during seafarers training: mitigating GPS fault
The analysis of accidents in recent years has shown certain overreliance on ECDIS. IMO has adopted the Guidance for Good Practice for the use of ECDIS, which emphasizes the importance of the operator’s ability to act in the event of failure, display data interpretation and identification of possible errors. The trend of ECDIS related groundings necessitates a more detailed analysis of the accidents causes, as well as further development of passage planning methods adopted for paperless navigation.
Statistics, based on grounding incident investigations, is not always sufficient for retrieving objective information and designing comprehensive solutions for improving the ECDIS training process for deck officers and development of methods aimed at reducing the grounding incident rate and improving the effectiveness of navigation. The research studies statistics on deck officers` errors made during training on bridge simulators equipped with ECDIS. The study shows that in event of the EPFS (Electronic Position Fixing System) failure the likelihood of grounding increases dramatically for all deck officers, irrespective of rank and experience, despite having fully functional radar and ECDIS in dead reckoning mode.
Key words: GPS, ECDIS, safety of navigation, ship grounding, navigational incident.
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K.O. Siniuta Iterative method of vessel stabilization on course and route
It is indicated that the relevance of the work lies in the study of road losses when the vessel moves along the coordinate points of the corresponding line of the given course.
An algorithm is proposed for taking into account the flow vectors and wind-wave disturbances at the initial point of the ship’s path, assuming the module of the ship’s relative speed to be constant. The paper presents a model for determining the elements of a ship’s motion in the form of an algorithm representing a sequence of assignment operators, and operators of input, printing and output, which make up a block diagram of its software implementation.
The article also provides an algorithm for calculating the modules and internal angles of a vector triangle formed as a result of observation. The last step was considered the return to the line of the ship’s track for the next period of time equal to one hour. In this case, the module of the ship’s speed, the module and the direction of the vector of the total disturbance are preserved, and the ground speed of the ship is variable.
Keywords: ship, vector, speed, speed triangle, disturbance.
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V. G. Torskiy, V. P. Topalov, V. V. Torskiy Ergonomic safety aspects in the operation of ships
It is obvious that the equipment of ships with the latest expensive navigational technology, should give an appropriate return in the form of increasing the safety of navigation. However, as evidenced by the practice, improving navigation aids and equipment of the bridge by itself did not lead to a decrease in the number of accidents at sea in recent years, there has even been a tendency for their increase. Investigation of a number of accidents and the elaborations of reputable maritime specialists convince that the cause of the incidents with the ships are increasingly becoming various violations of the interaction the elements of the complex – “Watch officer- INS”
It can be considered that in connection with the high degree of automation of the navigating bridge, a new factor negatively affecting the safety of the ship has arisen, which should be studied and taking into account by the manufacturers and users of the navigation technology.
Some aspects of this problem and measures to reduce the likelihood of failure and deviations in the functioning of the named complex, as well as other possible directions contributing to the reduction the negative influence of the ergonomic factor on the safety operation of ships are considered in this article.
Keywords: ergonomic, system, errors, safety, information.
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I. A. Burmaka, I.I. Vorokhobin D.B. Fedorov Account dynamics of ships at the automatic choice of manoeuvre of divergence by deviation of one ship and by the passive braking of the other
The analysis of the last achievements and publications is resulted in work, in which the decision of the considered problem and selection of unsolved is begun before parts. It is shown that for the decision of problem of warning of collisions of ships the method of divergence by a change on a line parallel of way of ship and method of flexible strategies of divergence of ships, which allows to form optimum strategy of divergence of ship with a few dangerous targets taking into account substantial factors, is developed. Strategy of urgent divergence is considered at surplus rapprochement of ships.
In the publication the algorithm of automatic determination of optimum maneuver of divergence by deviation of one ship and by the и passive braking of other is described taking into account the dynamics of ships. Thus for the first ship the model of turning with permanent angular speed is used, by which is determined increase of coordinates of ship in times of a turn. The dynamics of the second ship is taken into account by his inertia-brake descriptions.
The choice of course of deviation of the first ship and speed of the passive braking of the second ship settle accounts so that their divergence on distance of the shortest rapprochement is provided – possible distance of rapprochement.
In quality the criterion of optimum work of increase of course of the first ship is chosen on the increase of speed of the second ship, which for the optimum maneuver of divergence is to be minimum.
Analytical expressions which determine the model of turning of the first ship with permanent angular speed and dependence of time of process and the distance passed for this time in the case of the use of the passive braking by the second ship are resulted in work.
In the publication in quality an example the resulted situation of dangerous rapprochement of two ships, for which the computer imitation program expected the optimum parameters of maneuver of divergence by deviation of the first ship and passive braking of the second ship. The computer program conducted the imitation design of process of divergence of ships with the got parameters of divergence which confirmed correctness of the offered method of automatic determination of optimum maneuver.
Keywords: safety of navigation, warning of collision of vessels, external process of divergence control, automatic determination of parameters of strategy of divergence.
- Цымбал Н.Н. Гибкие стратегии расхождения судов / Н.Н. Цымбал, И.А. Бурмака, Е.Е. Тюпиков. – Одесса: КП ОГТ, 2007. – 424 с.
- Пятаков Э.Н. Взаимодействие судов при расхождении для предупреждения столкновения / Пятаков Э.Н., Бужбецкий Р.Ю., Бурмака И.А., Булгаков А.Ю. – Херсон: Гринь Д.С., 2015. – 312 с.
- Бурмака И.А. Управление судами в ситуации опасного сближения / И.А. Бурмака., Э.Н. Пятаков., А.Ю. Булгаков – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, – Саарбрюккен (Германия), – 2016. – 585 с.
- Бурмака И.А. Экстренная стратегия расхождения при чрезмерном сближении судов / Бурмака И.А., Бурмака А. И., Бужбецкий Р.Ю. – LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, 2014. – 202 с.
- Пятаков Э.Н. Способ расхождения судна с двумя опасными целями последовательными уклонениями/Пятаков Э.Н., Пятаков В.Э., Петриченко О.А. // Austria – science, Issue: 16, 2018.- С. 44-49.
- Вагущенко Л.Л. Расхождение с судами смещением на параллельную линию пути / Л.Л. Вагущенко. – Одесса: Фенікс, 2013. – 180 с.
- Kao Sheng-Long. A fuzzy logic method for collision avoidance in vessel traffic service / Kao Sheng-Long, Lee Kuo-Tien, Chang Ki-Yin, Ко Min-Der// Navig. 2007. 60, № 1, p. 17-31.
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O. Shyshkin, O. Pashenko New requirements for radio communication equipment using digital selective calling
DSC is one of the key subsystems of the GMDSS. However, from the beginning of the GMDSS implementation in 1999, practical problems of correct application DSC procedures were brought out. Due to the complexity of the hardware control and the variety of control panels for the equipment of different manufacturers, navigators often neglect the mandatory DSC procedures for establishing subsequent radio communication by radiotelephony or telex. In order particularly to overcome this problem, the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) has developed general requirements for HMI, which are implemented in the European DSC Equipment Standard of 2020 year. It is pointed ‘particularly’ because in this standard was considered the ways for improving DSC communication interface by dealt only with the DSC controllers themselves and had restricted possibilities for their improvements. The new approach had been worked out in National University “Odesa Maritime Academy” on the base of integration DSC communication equipment and navigation equipment which gives the real possibility for significant improvements operational properties DSC with realizing standard user interface. But this approach doesn’t yet represent in ITU standard. Right now working out such kind of standard is underway (preparing numbers of International Electronic Commission (IEC) standards). That is why in this article only existing technical standard (Recommendation ITU-R M.541) and corresponding EU standard are considered. Especially it’s concern of appearing the new possibilities in cancelling false distress alerts.
The features of radio communication DSC procedures were examined using Sailor TGS 6000 simulator (VHF DSC 6222 and MF/HF DSC 6301 transceivers). Particular attention is paid to the implementation of procedures for transmitting and receiving distress calls, as well as canceling false distress alerts when subsequent types of communication is telephony or telex.
The procedure of a multi-frequency distress alert in the MF/HF band has been analyzed under interaction with coast and ship stations that received the distress call. Attention is given to the automatic prompts and warnings for aimed to choosing correct actions and precaution improper intentions of the operator. The correct actions of the operator for cancelling false distress alerts when assigning the next type of radio communication (telephony and telex) are analyzed in detail. The examples demonstrate the advantages of the new HMI in terms of presentation the entire amount of information and templates for transmitting voice (text) cancellation messages. The importance of practical mastering of radio communication procedures with a new interface for performing correct actions in emergency situations is emphasized.
The addressed in the article issues are aimed, among other things, at helping cadets in theoretical and simulator GMDSS training, taking into account the new requirements for DSC equipment.
Keywords: GMDSS, VHF, MF/HF, interface, distress, false alert.
- Model course 1.25 – General operators certificate for the global maritime distress and safety system. Course + Compendium. IMO. London, 2015.
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- ETSI EN 300 338-2: Technical characteristics and methods of measurement for equipment for generation, transmission and reception of Digital Selective Calling (DSC) in the maritime MF, MF/HF and/or VHF mobile service; Part 2: Class A DSC, 2020.
- Кошевий В.М., Купровський В.І., Шишкін О.В. Глобальний морський зв’язок для пошуку та рятування (GMDSS)підручник для студентів вищих навчальних закладів. – Одеса: Екологія, 2011. – 248 с.
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- Пашенко О. Л. Радіостанція Sailor VHF DSC 6222. Експлуатаційні процедури радіозв’язку: навчальний посібник / О.Л. Пашенко, В.І. Купровський, О.В. Шишкін. – Одеса: НУ «ОМА», 2021. – 51 с.
K.V. Shumilova Implementation of the strategy of cybersecurity in safety management systems of the ship
The paper determines the processes of cyber resilience analysis for developing a response plan on any vessel. Considering that professionals have no opportunity to reach the ship for urgent maintenance or modernization of essential systems and software, the paper suggests basic cyber security management procedures that enable to understand whether a device regularly connected to the “Crew” local network or the ship’s network is detected, monitor the use of removable devices violating the safety rules, detect suspicious remote access to the ship’s network or operational technologies network, and detect unusual communication connections between the “endpoints” of ship systems.
The conclusions define the need to develop a cyber defence strategy, which takes into account the ship’s system vulnerabilities and is based on the comprehensive risk identification, cyber resilience analysis and development of a response plan, which will significantly reduce the risk of cyber attacks.
Keywords: safety of shipping, shipping risks, cyber-safety, cyber attacks, safety management system, information systems, information safety.
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Burmaka I.O., Vorokhobin I.I., Yanchetskyy O.V. Determination of a group of dangerously approaching vessels
One of the features of navigation in confined waters is the occurrence of situations of dangerous convergence of several targets, which requires the development of methods to ensure safe separation of ships in such situations. Therefore, the development of methods for controlling ships in situations of dangerous convergence, to which this article is devoted, is an urgent and promising scientific direction.
The article provides an analysis of the latest achievements and publications, in which the solution of this problem has been started and previously unresolved parts of the general problem are highlighted. It is shown that to prevent collisions, a method of flexible divergence strategies has been developed, which, with locally independent control of the divergence process, allows choosing the optimal divergence strategy for a ship with several dangerous targets, taking into account significant factors. The formalization of the COLREG-72 is also proposed and the interaction of ships in a situation of dangerous approach in the event of a collision threat is considered. Prevention of collision of ships by the method of displacement to a parallel track line is considered and a method of divergence of a ship with two dangerous targets by successive evasions from each of them is proposed.
The article shows the feasibility of developing an analytical system that uses the principle of external control of the discrepancy process and does not require the use of a VTS. Such a system can be implemented on the basis of ARPA and is located on each of the vessels, and from ARPA and AIS receive information about the surrounding vessels and the parameters of their movement. It is shown that the proposed analytical system should solve two sequential tasks. The first task is to form a group of dangerously approaching vessels in areas of intensive navigation, and the second is to automatically select a joint strategy for the divergence of a group of vessels by changing the movement parameters by methods of external control of the divergence process. The article discusses in detail the first task – the formation of a group of interacting ships in the event of a dangerous approach situation.
Three conditions are formulated that make it possible to include a vessel in a group of interacting vessels from the initial group, which are as follows: the vessels must approach each other, the situation of their convergence is dangerous, and the relative position of the vessels allows the use of a divergence maneuver by changing the course. Analytical expressions are obtained for each of the conditions and the procedure for the exchange of information for the formation of a group is given.
Keywords: safety of navigation, warning of collision of vessels, external process of divergence control, group of vessels.
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A. Serdyuchenko Ship’s accelerations due to vibration under sleming conditions on irregular wave
The problem is formulated within the model of a heavy ideal and incompressible fluid. Total hydrodynamic pressure acting on the hull is determined by the well-known Cauchy-Lagrange integral when ship’s bow immersing under oncoming wave. This approach includes calculation techniques for the estimation of the impact loads on ship bow due to slamming and calculation of ship-hull-guider vibration response under the action of these loads. Corresponding techniques are elaborated for the estimation of high frequency component of accelerations and inertial loads, acting on the ship structures during the operations in irregular waves on short-term time intervals. It is focused on level of vibrating accelerations hull structures component estimation under irregular wave quasi-stationary intervals.
It is demonstrated that bottom slamming loads are more intense and shorter-term than subsequent side slamming one. However, the latter are usually more energy-intensive and therefore can cause more intense vertical elastic hull oscillations after impact. At the same time there are the first four beam forms of oscillations but, the first one is the most energy-intensive. It is proved that the principal coordinates method is quite suitable for slamming problem solution and corresponding practical estimation calculations.
Keywords: sea-going ships, irregular waves, slamming.
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The paper provides an analysis of the latest achievements and publications, in which the solution of this problem has been started and previously unsolved parts of the general problem are highlighted. It is shown that, as a result of the analysis of statistical data of errors of navigation measurements obtained in field observations, the distribution of errors of navigation measurements differs from the normal law. This is also evidenced by the analysis of statistical materials on the accuracy of determining the position of the vessel using a satellite radio navigation system receiver, which showed that the hypothesis on the distribution of random errors in determining latitude and longitude according to the Gaussian law is not correct.
Evaluation of the efficiency of the observed coordinates of the vessel in the presence of redundant lines of position is made and it is shown that with mixed distribution laws, the efficiency is less than one. The possibility of using mixed laws of two types and the generalized Puisson’s law for describing random errors of navigation measurements is shown.
It is shown that the dependence of the accuracy of the observed coordinates on the method of their calculation is determined by the laws of the assumed and actual distribution of the probabilities of measurement errors, and the accuracy estimate is determined using improper integrals, the expressions for which are given in the work. It is emphasized that if the assumed and actual laws of the distribution of the probabilities of measurement errors are different, then there is a loss of accuracy of the observed coordinates. An expression has been chosen to characterize the loss of precision.
At the expense of the accuracy of the observational coordinates of the vessel, it was considered that the function of the problem was determined by the law of another type. Obtained the equations for the given cases. The formula has been assigned to the accuracy of the accuracy for the normal deceit. Equations were also obtained for assessing the loss of accuracy in the form of the positioning of the observed coordinates using the additional method of orthogonal spreading of the line position. It is necessary to carry out the measurements of the accuracy for both types of data and the accuracy of the vessel coordinates, obtained by the method of victorious orthogonal distribution.
Keywords: navigation safety, methods of calculation of coordinates, loss of exactness, ortogonal decompositions.
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